So you’re a brand new mom, huh? We know what it’s like: Nurse, change diapers, nap, repeat! Maybe you’ve navigated the scary waters of packing your diaper bag and heading into the streets, stroller in tow, ready to go and explore the world with your new baby. Or maybe you’re still stuck in your house, shaky, emotional, and unready to get back in touch with the “real world.”

Whatever the scenario, one thing is clear — new mamas need healthy, nutritious snacks and meals, and we’re often too busy, too sleep deprived, and too confused about what to eat and when. Plus, we have extra pounds from pregnancy weighing us down (I was always shocked when I left the hospital with each of my babies and was only 10 pounds lighter!). There is a lot of pressure from society and the media to get into bikini-ready shape ASAP after having a child. Don’t succumb to that pressure! Every person has her own path, biochemistry, and body wisdom that will guide the way when it comes to losing the baby pounds.

What we all need, however, are tools to help us eat wisely, both at home and on the go. Below are 10 healthy, easy, on-the-go snack ideas for when you’re out walking with other new moms, in playgroup, or just trying to do errands or get to the pediatrician.

1. Babybel or Laughing Cow cheeses with whole wheat crackers

2. Pre-made smoothies (I recommend HMR, Shakeology, or Vega Sport)

3. Baby carrots and individual-serving hummus containers

4. Rice cakes with almond butter

5. Bananas

6. Protein bars (Vega Sport has a delicious high-protein bar, but Larabars are the real deal — all natural, delicious, and few ingredients)

7. Seaweed (Trader Joe’s sells packages of little, flat squares —stick them in the diaper bag and get some excellent, low-calorie nutrition from sea vegetables)

8. Sliced apple and natural peanut butter

9. Grapes in a baggie or other portable fruit/veg (snap peas, oranges, cut-up peppers, etc.)

10. Turkey slices on Ezekiel bread or other high-fiber, whole-grain bread

Hey, new moms! What are some ways you pack healthy meals and snacks on the go? Sound off below.

Jenny Berk
Jenny is a crass and pushy (read = sweet) native New Yorker who has always had a penchant for New England, after attending Brandeis for 4 years, but especially so after meeting her husband Barry, who also happened to live in Boston. After marrying, and creating 3 awesome daughters - ages, 11, 8 and 6 - she and her husband moved to Needham and love it there! Jenny is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Mindful Eating Instructor and Wellness blogger. She loves writing about how Mom's can navigate and prioritize their health and positive body image after having children. When she's not trying to figure out how the heck to parent a tween, She can be found blogging at the Huffington Post, (healthy living section) and on her site Heck yes! - mindfulness, kettlebells, body acceptance, yoga, traveling the word and eating decadent and unctuous (vegetarian) food. No way, man! - arthritis at 40, allergies to anything, animal cruelty, waiting in line.