Today is Read Across America Day — a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually on March 2, Dr. Seuss’s birthday.

children's books - boston moms blog

It’s no secret that I love to read, and I prioritize reading to my children and visiting our local library frequently. Our bookshelves at home are bursting with books. But I’m no stranger to the bad children’s book. It’s shocking to me what can get published — books with little to no plot, books that idealize sibling tension or violence, and books that teach messages I’m not keen to pass along. To find great children’s books, I am increasingly turning to social media where other moms and children’s librarians have vetted the tens of thousands of books being published each year and are surfacing the classics I want to be sure to not miss. Here are my four favorite resources:

Here We Read

What I love :: Mom to preschoolers (boy and girl) with emphasis on diverse characters and STEM. Almost all the books reviewed are new releases that were not on my radar previously.

@bonjourbookworm (Instagram account)

What I love :: This account highlights new releases — the new classics — and places an emphasis on beautiful illustrations.

@thetigerlibrarian (Instagram account)

What I love :: Mrs. James is an elementary school librarian in the Bay Area whose recommendations often follow themes and give background info on the author. I am particularly excited about this resource as my sons get older and want to dive deep into a particular author or subject matter. 

Read Aloud Revival

What I love :: This is a homeschooling mom of six who publishes monthly picture book lists by theme (seasonal, holidays, etc). She also hosts a podcast with authors, illustrators, and fellow book lovers.


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