winter is coming how to prepare boston

With the temperatures dropping and the days growing shorter, it’s clear that, as Jon Snow said in that foreboding brogue, “Winter is coming.” And when facing that (ahem) cold truth, we can either run away like the white walkers themselves are on our tails, or we can hunker down and prepare to meet winter head-on. Are you with me? Let’s do this thing.

Here are a few ways you can stay one step ahead of winter this year:

Take inventory of your winter stuff

Track down all the jackets, snow pants, hats, mittens, and boots. Throw what you can in the washer on delicate (wool hats and mittens might need spot cleaning instead). Search for at least one of everything for each of your kids; make a shopping list of what’s still needed, and set aside the outgrown stuff for a coat drive.

winter is coming how to prepare boston

Stock up on winter fun

With the holidays around the corner, consider shopping now for ice skates, snow shoes, snow molds, and kid-sized snow shovels (our kids love them). Don’t wait until the first snow when the local hardware store is sold out of sleds — buy one now.

winter is coming how to prepare boston

Renew or purchase memberships

For the Children’s Museum, Museum of Science, Aquarium, etc. Line up some good indoor options for the most blustery of days.

Prepare to shovel

As in, make sure you have a couple good snow shovels at the ready, the snow blower gassed up, and ice melt on hand. Or even better, book your snow shovel service for the winter.

Stock up on hot cocoa

Hot cocoa for the kids, and red wine and scotch for the grown ups. Reward yourself after aforementioned shoveling.

Start going outside with the kids every day

Getting some fresh air in the winter is good for everyone; establishing that routine now will help you keep it going when it’s harder to rally the troops.

Buy yourself something winter-fabulous.

Like new Sherpa boots, a pom-pom hat, or elbow-length gloves. You’ll welcome the chance the wear them.

Put a few fun things on the winter calendar

It could be as simple as an ice-skating outing or a family pajama party, but writing it down and promoting it keeps everyone positive despite the chill in the air. For those of you thinking a bit bigger, start planning your cold-weather vacation now; it makes the onset of winter so much easier to take.

winter is coming how to prepare

And finally, talk it up

We all know you love foliage and your pumpkin lattes, but don’t be a winter-hater. Sure, it’s cold and it’s long, but winter can be pretty great, too. Try to get excited and your kids will get excited, too.

What about you? How are you getting ready for winter this year?

Jessie Keppeler
A Maine native, Jessie migrated down the coast to Boston after college, and it’s been home ever since. She has lived in various corners of the city — from Allston and Brighton to Newbury Street and then Jamaica Plain — before settling in Brookline with her husband and three daughters. As much as she loves home now, she also likes to leave occasionally: recent family travels include Italy, Belize, and Washington D.C. Jessie writes with a cat curled up nearby and a dog at her feet. And a cup of coffee. Always.